T & C

General Rules

  1. Every student is allotted a personal SCHOLAR NUMBER which is also written on the Identity card / report card of your ward. KINDLY QUOTE THIS NUMBER along with the name and class of your ward ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE SCHOOL.
  1. All students are expected to strictly follow school rules at all times. No student should step out of the class without obtaining a class pass.
  1. In the absence of the teacher from the classroom, students are required to observe silene and obey the Class Prefects/ Monitors. No student is allowed to write on the White Board/ operate the Smart Board unless instructed to do so by the teacher.
  1. No attestation will be done without TWO days’ notice in order to enable proper verification of documents.
  1. Corporal Punishment is Barred.
  1. does not encourage private tuitions to CBS students (of any campus) by members of the CBS teaching /office staff (of any campus) or any member of their families. Parents/ Guardians are hereby notified NOT TO APPROACH the Teaching/ Office Staff (or their family members) to give or arrange for private tuition to any student of CBS. Wilful negligence on this count will lead to disciplinary action against the student concerned.
  1. Parents/Guardians are requested to immediately intimate the Class Teacher/Principal, in writing, of any changes in the residence/office address and or contact numbers.
  1. Parents/ Guardians or their servants are NOTpermitted to enter the class rooms during class hours. All appointments with the teachers/ co-ordinators should be made through the School office as per procedure lad down in this dairy.
  1. No articles will be delivered to the students in class during school hours. Parents are requested to kindly ensure that their ward(s) bring food, water, projects, all text books and notebooks and any other article required for the day at school.


  1. Students areNOT PERMITTED to carry cell phones to school. If any student is found in possession of one, the same will be confiscated and given to charity.
  1. The bringing of iPod, cameras, large sum of money, comics, C.Ds, other electronic/ expensive devices and the like and wearing of Smart watches, jewellery, rings and amulets, etc to school is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
  1. Books/ Stationery, blazers, tiffin/pencil boxes, water bottles and other personal belongings must bear the names of the owner. Students should take care of their belongings; the school will not be responsible if they are lost.
  1. ANY DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY WILL RENDER THE STUDENT LIABLE FOR RECOVERY OR DAMAGES. Fines may be imposed by the Principal & Secretary/ Headmaster/ Headmistress for breaches against regularity, discipline rules and loss or damage to school property.
  1. Parents are requested to send light and nutritious food for the recess/mid-day break. Messy/oily, junk food should be avoided. A fruit should be included with the meal. All students must bring water in their water bottles.
  1. Warning cards are issued to students who are undisciplined and need correction. They are usually accompanied with Rustication. Parents (both Father & Mother) of such erring students must meet the Proctorial Board/Principal on the appointed day. Reports against a student could lead to his Expulsion from School.
  1. Irregular attendance, habitual in attention to school work, obstinacy in word and deed, wilful and repeated breach of school regulations are sufficient reasons for the Expulsion of a student from School.

The following will also be interpreted as constituting gross misconduct and necessitate expulsion from school:

  1. Truancy from either Chapel or Class
  2. Habitual Late coming
  1. Rudeness or Insubordination to the School Authorities.
  2. Using unfair means during a Test or Examination
  3. Disfiguring or, otherwise damaging school property
  1. The Principal has the right to suspend the attendance or require withdrawal of and/ or expel any student without having to assign any reason; provided that he is satisfied that such a step is necessary in the interest of the School/ or the student concerned, on the following grounds:
  1. Suggestion from Parents are welcome. Please drop in your suggestions/ grievances in the suggestion box placed at the school gate or e-mail them to the Principal & Secretary on the school e-mail id given below:


Enrolment of a student in any campus of  implies on the part of both the student and his parents faithful compliance and strict adherence to all the Requirements, Rules, Regulations, Directions, orders, notices or otherwise of the School, both prevailing and/or to be enforced or implemented, framed and issued from time to time.

The Principal & Secretary reserves the right to waive, suspend or modify any rules contained in this Diary without assigning any reason for his action. The interpretation of any rules in the School Diary, as well as any amendment to it, rests solely and entirely with the Board of Governors of the Educational Society, which shall be final and binding on all students and their Parents/Guardians and in no case shall lie in any court of law in respect of their decision.

Calcutta Boys' School

72, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata , West Bengal.

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72, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata , West Bengal.

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